Thursday, May 31, 2012

Roming Around

We spent our first weekend abroad in the bustling streets of Rome. Amidst a busy schedule of tours and sightseeing, I managed to find a few free moments to sketch some of the breathtaking scenery that the Eternal City and its surrounding area have to offer. These particular drawings were sketched on-location in pen, then colored on my iPad on the train ride to Florence.

The above sketch is of the imperial ruins which overlook the Circus Maximus; the sketch captures only a small portion of what must have been one of the most impressive monuments of its age.

While on a tour of the Colosseum, it seemed that some of the more striking views were to be found just outside the immediate, tourist-congested plaza.

We took a bus tour that traveled along the historic Via Appia---a pathway I've been hearing about since my days in high school Latin. When we stopped for a moment to appreciate some of the road's original stonework (which still exists only in certain portions), I hastily sketched this villa directly off of the Via Appia. I thought the "No Entry" sign added a nice bit of modern flair to the historic scene.

In Rome, even the train stations pay respect to the Eternal City's love for elegant archways. I sketched this scene while sitting outside a corner eatery on Via Marsala, less than a block from our hotel.

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